Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - Regulation 49

Regulation 49 - Contract Notices

Regulation 49 transposes Article 49 of Directive 2014/24/EU. Article 49 states that contract notices shall be used as means to call for competition with exception of the negotiated procedure or the use of the PIN notice. However, contrary to most cases so far, Regulation 49 departs from the Directive by not including similar mentions. Why did the lawmaker decide to depart from the original here? It is true that there is nothing in Article 49 that is strictly needed (and may be considered a repetition) but in many other places the lawmaker had no problem with including unnecessary information...

The only thing that Regulation 49 deals with are the two conditions that need to be met for a contract notice to be valid: i) contain the 30 bits of information referred to in Annex V Part C of Directive 2014/24/EU and to be sent to publication in accordance with Regulation 51. That's it. Let's see if Albert can come up with more interesting stuff about this Regulation.

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