Any questions for Sally Collier on the Public Contracts Regulations 2015?

At Procurement Week this coming Thursday I will be chairing a procurement roundtable on the transposition of Directive 2014/24/EU into various Member States and which includes the following participants:

• Nick Sullivan - Value Wales Procurement, Welsh Government, Wales, UK
• Sally Collier, Crown Commercial Services, UK
• Isabel Rosa - IMPIC, Portugal
• Sharon Smyth, Central Procurement Directorate, Northern Ireland
• Wouter Stolwijk - PIANNO, Netherlands

The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 constitute the first full transposition* of Directive 2014/24/EU in the EU and I am looking forward for the discussion with Sally Collier about some of the decisions taken there. Although Wales and Northern Ireland are not involved directly in any transposition efforts they have a word to say about the decisions taken on the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Plus, I know for a fact as well that the experiences from Portugal and the Netherlands will enrich the discussion.

So, if you have any question for Sally Collier or any of the other participants, drop me a line on the comments.

* France transposed only part of the Directive so far.

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