Denmark is first out of the gates with a Innovation Partnership

The innovation partnership is finally getting some use. The first tender (call?) was published only a couple of days ago on the Tenders Electronic Daily. The project is for a partnership looking to develop innovative means for overcoming elderly dehydration. The tender is being launched by the Market Development Fund in conjunction with a number of different Danish local authorities.

I look forward to see the developments on this project. It is interesting that although the Innovation Partnership was transposed into England, Wales and Northern Ireland almost 18 months ago it is yet to be used here. So much for the UK Government mantra of "making sure contracting authorities can use the novelties straight away."

As I said many times before, this procedure (as the competitive procedure with negotiation) is going to be used sparingly and in reality most of its use cases would fit on a generous interpretation of competitive dialogue.

Hat tip to Willem for mentioning the launch on Twitter.

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