Links I liked [Legal/Legal Education]

- I for one, welcome our Watson overlords

Although calling it Ross, immediately brings to mind that clueless Ross from Friends

- eBay style marketplace for Online Dispute Resolution

Very handy for one of my Ph.D students who is looking precisely into this. Proposal by Susskind.

- Law students should know more than just law, maybe some maths

Fully support ideas like this, although it is easier to pull of in the US. The lack of numerical skills is a big, big limitation in legal practice. Just makes no sense to me. On this note...

- Why do lawyers need maths?

Same vein as above. Excellent looking new site by Dr. Steven Vaughan (@lawvaughan), instant addition to my Feedly.

- DLA Piper "rolls its own" e-learning platform and will provide training services

What does this tells us about legal education in general and CPD in particular? You are out of touch and stuck on an obsolete paradigm when one of your potential biggest clients becomes a competitor.

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