Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. Open Contracting Data Standard project. Just come across this the other day and I think it is a great idea, although on the long run my vote is for a blockchain type of solution.

2. Draft new public procurement law in Spain is under fire (Spanish only). The draft transposition proposed by the Spanish Government has been criticised by the Social and Economic Council which is technically part of the Government and has the power to provide opinions on draft laws. Full report (Spanish only) is available here. The SEC criticises the Government for not coming out strongly against abnormally low tenders and wants to include some sort of social clauses that would make bids from suppliers in countries with lower social standards, calling it "social dumping."

3. Skills training programmes do not work in international development. This is not procurement focused, but the criticism is valid in our field. Even taking into consideration that my belief that better prepared procurement officials are needed.

4. Transparency International keeps driving the anti-secret companies crusade forward. I suspect that when "true owners" are mentioned effectively they mean "true beneficiaries".

5. Milton Keynes Council loses case, will have to pay damages. Judge Coulson decided not to re-award the contract to plaintiff and considers damages to be an appropriate remedy. Full case text here.

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