Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. PPP/PFI risks (in Spanish). I would add to the list information asymmetry and regulator capture. Very good points nonetheless.

2. Damages and re-tendering awarded in Woods Building Services vs Milton Keynes Council [2015] EWHC 2172 (TCC). Interestingly enough although Judge Coulson recognised that the decision should be set aside and there was a loss of profit, the damages awarded did not cover loss of profit as the contract is to be re-tendered. Apparently the claimant did not request in its claim for the contract to be awarded to it. Fascinating. Full decision here.

3. UK public procurement rules 'hinder digital purchases'.  "A bad carpenter blames his tools."

4. Borisbus is now known as the Roastmaster. My first impression upon reading this piece was to rail against the whole idea and how it was conceived. The more nuanced part of my brain counter argued that failure is part of the price of innovation and for the most part hybrid diesel/electrical bus fleets are still under development. Having said that, the door opening on the back is a gimmick that has nothing to do with innovation as do the small windows on the top or the lack of proper ventilation. That is just poor design, sorry.

5. The new World Bank Procurement Framework has been approved. Here we go into uncharted territory. Or maybe not as there is a lot in there based on European experience.

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