Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. Location, location, location. Interesting opinion from Advocate-General Szupnar in Case C-552/13 Grupo Hospitalario Quiron* vs Departament de Sanidad del Gobierno Vasco & Instituto de Religiosas Siervas de Jesus de la Caridad. The AG found (correctly) that health care services cannot be restricted to certain territorial boundaries unless under specific public health grounds. I find it deliciously ironic that a case which is 100% Spanish would be solved in accordance with EU law, just because its value is above the EU thresholds.

* One of the biggest if not the biggest Spanish health care providers.

2. Are cities getting it all wrong in public management risk? Excellent post by Sascha Haselmayer, one of the guys behind CityMart. I interviewed him once for another of my podcasts and would love to have him back on the PPP now that is firmly working with procurement of innovation.

3. National Audit Office (UK) is calling for greater access to outsourced services costs...and profits. This is an interesting one. In general I am in favour of more transparency in procurement, but I am yet to fully commit behind this idea. Albert will disagree of course.

4. Romania looks to the USA for help in curbing corruption. I agree with Peter Smith on this. Why on earth is a EU Member State knocking on the United States door for help dealing with corruption? They could have looked at what Slovakia is doing for example. Plus, the OECD is based in Paris if memory serves me well...

5. Columbia University divests from private prisons. Very timely based on my interview with Amy Ludlow.

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