Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. What to do with old city buses? Not directly connected with public procurement but to take into account when one calculates life cycle costs today regarding the end of life of a product that is still 20 years away.

2. Varoufakis mentions corruption and procurement in his speech to the Eurogroup. Only briefly. Very good read overall. I was told as well that Greece simply decided to apply the Directive 2014/24/EU to all contracts irrespective of value. Bold move and one I want to follow closely.

3. Ecuador spends 11.5% of GDP in public procurement. I am not sure how reliable the figure is, but it looks quite significant.

4. Obama is bringing digital love to how government operates, including procurement. As I said on my talk in Tuesday, we're just getting started to see technology changing procurement and reducing transaction costs. I particularly loved the comparison between the projected costs of the original website ($800 million) with the total amount of funding Twitter raised ($60 million) to serve a similar number of users.

5. When defence procurement goes wrong, it really goes wrong. Would love to know Baud and Aris' views on this (old) story).

Have a nice weekend.

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