Links I Liked [Public Procurement]

1. Spanish Council of State gives its blessing to the new Public Sector Contracts Law. The law is yet to be published and coming into force though.

2. SpendNetwork wants to open up tender notice data and making it available under the Open Contracting Data Standard.

3. Albert comments on AG Sharpston opinion about financial guarantees in cases C-439/14 and C-488/14. I broadly agree with both AG Sharpston's and Albert's view on the matter but the impact on countries such as Portugal, Spain (and Italy?) where financial guarantees are a staple of local practice will be immense. Word on the street is that cash strapped authorities use those financial guarantees to ease up cashflow issues...

4. World Bank publishes new report on Functions, Data and Lessons Learned on Suspension and Debarment.

5. Liberia is outsourcing its schools to a startup. For all the debate about public and private education in Portugal (and the UK), this is an interesting development.

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