The third entry into the series on my response to the procurement Directives revision consultation is on electronic procurement and how and why it needs to be redesigned 15. The current electronic procurement framework requires fundamental reform because it merely digitises analogue processes rather than reimagining procurement for the digital
My second entry into this series on my submission to the consultation on the revision of the procurement Directives is on thresholds and why we should abolish them: 7. The current system of financial thresholds is illogical as it puts a floor into the single market: contracts above certain values
We are recruiting for a PhD position in Climate Law at CBS Law. More specifically we are looking for: "The central aim of this PhD scholarship is to advance our understanding of recent developments in climate law. It can, for example, concern climate law and policies with tort law
Having submitted my response to the Commission's EU public procurement consultation last week after revising the ideas I discussed previously in the blog and on Linkedin, I decided to upload it section by section here to the blog. Today's entry is on the choice of legislative