New project: Public Procurement Podcast

I hinted over the last few months that I was about to launch a new project. Time to take the wraps out of the Public Procurement Podcast (PPP). Episode #1 with the usual suspect Dr. Albert Sanchez Graells is up and #2 will go on air tomorrow (Dr. Claire Methven O'Brien from the Danish Institute of Human Rights).

What can you expect from the PPP?

20 relaxed interviews about interesting public procurement topics with people that have something important to say. We are trying to go for a style that is easily accessible by lay persons so drop me a line if you think the show is still too jargon-infused for your taste. I am focused mostly on interviewing early career academics but there will be a few shows with heavyweights thrown in there for good measure. Oh, and we have transcripts too.

This project is graciously supported by the British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards, without whose support it would not have been possible to make happen. Oh, and the support made a conference possible too. Thank you!

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