Public Procurement
Three words, Donald: Government Procurement Agreement
Just saying.
Public Procurement
Just saying.
1. Cristina Kirchner accused of corruption in Argentina. 2. Large Spanish construction companies rail against price heavy and price only projects (Spanish only). 3. Putting innovation at the heart of public procurement. A recipe for complexity. 4. Corruption charges in Portugal grow significantly between 2014 and 2016 (Portuguese only). Finger
Public Procurement
A few weeks ago a two page note by Deloitte stating the lack of a Government plan for Brexit was leaked to the Times. At the time, Government replied that the note had no credibility and one would assume the matter had ended there. But then today Deloitte apologises and
Public Procurement
Gatewit, the e-procurement platform with the highest market share in Portugal has had its operational license revoked by the Regulator IMPIC. A significant number of little birdies in the country had told me over the last few months that this was the most likely outcome for the hardball business practices
1. Government of Western Australia shows Minimum Viable Product version of its new online procurement portal. Great to see a Government taking up on cheaper, more agile ways of developing services instead of building the whole widget without external feedback. Well done. 2. Is raising the micro-purchase threshold from $3,
Public Procurement
I have just uploaded the last episode of 2016 for the Public Procurement Podcast. This time the interview is with Suvi Taponen, Doctoral Researcher at Aalto University School of Business, who also works as a Procurement Consultant. She will defend her thesis entitled ‘Improving the efficiency of public service delivery
Public Procurement
The next instalment of the Public Procurement Podcast is up, this time a relaxed conversation with my good friend Baudouin Heuninckx, Chief Counsel of the Belgian Armed Forces Procurement Division and a part-time academic at the University of Nottingham and also the Belgian Royal Military Academy. He has just published
Public Procurement
The full version of the Commentary to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 done by myself and Dr. Albert Sanchez-Graells is now available at We consolidated the original separate entries from our blogs in a single comment to each of the 122 provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations
Public Procurement
My good friends Steve Schooner and Dan Gordon from George Washington University published a very interesting piece about the legal issues surrounding the lease of the Trump Hotel near the White House. No ... elected official of the Government of the United States shall be admitted to any share or part
Public Procurement
I missed Theresa May's mention yesterday on its CBI speech that it wants to change procurement and get more innovation into it, probably in similar tones to what myself and Albert questioned in Spain recently. Albert has some serious concerns about the whole idea: “ ” As I have been
Public Procurement
1. Helsinki does pre-market engagement well (so it seems). This warrants a proper post about it. 2. Who gets the money from public works in Spain (Spanish only). Fantastic piece of work on the economic operators winning public works contracts in Spain and some really horror stories in there. 3.
Public Procurement
Excellent article on The Economist: “” Great plug for Mihaly Fazekas and Spend Network on the article. Shame the piece only focus on contracts above thresholds, which as mentioned in some of the graphs only represent about 26% of all EU procurement spend. Whatever is happening beneath the surface is surely