Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - Game over for the daily commentary

Game over. The two scribes can finally lay down their pens - nay, keyboards - after finally concluding the daily commentary on the Public Contracts Regulations. It took Albert and I a little over 6 months to go through the 122 Regulations one by one, little by little. We concluded it today with a light volley for the match point.

You can find Albert's post mortem here. I suspect he's as happy to see the back of the drudgery of a daily commentary as I am. About time we finished this crazy project (right on the day before I go on vacation for a week, no less.)

As for my own post mortem, I am really glad we soldiered on to the end and managed to see the end of this particular project. Writing daily about a set topic is hard but, at the same time, rewarding. My original idea for this blog was to publish a couple of entries a week and I could not forecast doing these many in little over 6 months...But the work paid off. From a standing start in January to the end of August this blog is up to 550 unique visitors/month, a fine number for such a niche topic like public procurement. On a related note, the Public Procurement Podcast is doing quite well too, with around 150-200 unique visitors and 200+ subscribers to the podcast.

But as we close a chapter, another one opens. The output of this crazy idea of ours is about 50-70,000 words on the Public Contracts Regulation 2015. Although the current blogs look nice in our blogs, they probably could provide users with more added value. We have plans we intend to implement going forward but are not in a position to do so...just yet. In the meantime, if you have any ideas hit either of us on the commentary boxes.

Albert wants to write less about procurement in the near future and I cannot blame him. As for me, I want to write about more procurement stuff that is not related with the Regulations. There's a nice backlog of blogpost ideas on my Simplenote, waiting for me. Oh, and there will be more about legal education, startups and competition law.

Now, if you excuse me, I will be getting some sun tan over the next week or so.

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