Some good procurement events on the horizon

1. Procurement Week Bootcamp in Bangor next week (09-10 June)

2. VIIth International Conference  Contracts, Procurement, and Public-Private Arrangements, Paris June 14th and 15th. Price unknown and hat tip to Piotr for the mention.

3. Taking stock of NHS governance after the 2013 reforms: Public procurement... Albert is running another free event in Bristol. Another one I need to register for.

4. 1st Global Procurement Conference in Rome, July 4th and 5th. Very interesting programme and speaker line up. It appears to be free.

5. Public Procurement Summer School – II Edition, Catholic University Porto September 5th to 8th. Once again I will be part of the programme, this time only on the international strand. Registration for the International Strand costs a very reasonable €210.

6. 3rd Interdisciplinary Symposium on Public Procurement, Belgrade September 28th-30th. I am very much looking forward to this one where I'll be the "legal" rapporteur on localism, one of my pet topics.

More than enough to keep us busy over the Summer!

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